Saturday, 5 March 2011

A few of my favourite things...

So...I've recently come across the website 1000 awesome things!  It's quite entertaining...

Here are a few examples in their list of their awesome things...
*  hitting a bunch of green lights in a row
*  track pants
*  the perfect egg crack
*  dropping your cell phone on the sidewalk and then realizing its totally fine
*  the smell of the coffee aisle at the grocery store
*  popping bubble wrap
*  biting the last piece of a Popsicle without loosing any of it
*  pulling a weed and getting all the roots with it
*  when a public washroom has paper towels instead of hand dryers
*  stealing a nacho off someone else's plate
*  vacuuming a dirty carpet and hearing all the tiny rocks going through the hose
*  placing the last piece of a puzzle
*  shoveling handfuls of popcorn in your mouth really fast and spilling it everywhere (this one's for Mark!!)

I could go on...and on...AND ON.... since there are 987 more!
but I thought it might be fun to list a few of my awesome things...

*  sleeping in and waking to the sweet sunshine gleaming through the window
*  enjoying a cup of coffee with my love
*  telling a joke and people laugh with me
*  the feeling of excitement and passion welling up deep inside -- love it!
*  the relaxing tingle when you first climb into the hot tub
*  hearing one of my favorite songs come on the radio/ipod, and cranking it really loud
*  beating my brother-in-law in scrabble
*  the little ones in our lives -- hearing 'ti-ti' (auntie) and 'uncu' (uncle) from Ethan, and when Maryn and Laene run around with sheer excitement when we walk in the door
*  sharing long conversations with good friends -- renews my heart!
*  making a craft and it turns out beautifully...
*  eating chocolate... 
*  finding the perfect gift for a someone special
*  when someone surprises you with something -- knowing its exactly what you need!
*  laughing so hard your stomach hurts...

Hmmmm... contemplating the good things in life today! 


  1. 10 of my awesome things?
    - turning around and looking into a room I just cleaned
    - looking chowder in the eyes and seeing him smile
    - lying in bed at the end of a tiring day and sighing
    - the first bite into a hamburger
    - God moments
    - back massages and pedicures
    - getting “thinking of you” cards
    - hugs from my kids
    - catching Eric’s puns
    - the satisfied feeling after 30 minutes of wiifit

    wow this is fun... maybe need to keep thinking of more...
    hugs, mom

  2. So your mom challenged me to come up with a few of my own :)

    -Waking up Saturday morning with nowhere to go
    -Standing with my face up to the warm shower
    -Touching those I love
    -Experiencing Truth jump from a page
    -Landing a drum roll in the sweet spot
    -Tucking the kids into bed, safe, warm and dry
    -BEing alone, in silence, with a special friend
    -Running into the breaking waves of an ocean
    -Pitching the perfect strike
    -Encouraging a loved one

    Yep, it IS fun :)
